

Use Cases



In the April 2024 edition of Release Notes, Zesty.io is rolling out improvements that touch on multiple applications, from the way Media filenames are handled—by replacing spaces with dashes—to various user experience boosts. You'll find updates in the Schema app making dropdown fields and tooltips easier to understand and use, and the Content app has been upgraded with new features for number and sort fields, along with handy tooltips and warnings for DUO mode.

We're also focused on making the platform more accessible and reliable, introducing error handling for user permissions and ensuring the app doesn't unmount unexpectedly. Our fixes this month tackle a wide range of issues. These include enabling the saving of previous versions, improving SEO tab accuracy, and refining the user interface across global navigation and content management. 

Check out the full release notes to see how these changes can help optimize your daily tasks on the Zesty.io platform. 


Media: Convert media spaces in media filename to dashes  #2594 

Schema: Dropdown Field and Rules UX Improvements  #2583 

Content: Tooltips added to Edit Content Item, Title, Bar, Buttons  #2567 

Content: Number field revamp  #2566 

Content: Sort field revamp  #2552 

Content: DUO mode - warning message added for invalid user input   #2544 

Schema: Integer Field renamed to Number Field   #2539 

Schema: Add Field and Edit Field Modal Tooltip Improvements   #2526 

Schema: Create Model Modal - Enter Key now triggers Create Model Button   #2525 

Global: Added Error Flow for users who do not have permission to add users  #2520 

Content: Create Content Item Field Container Width constrained and centered  #2484 

Do not unmount app shell when session expires  #2473 


SaveItem works with immutable data to allow saving of previous versions  #2651 

Add settings resource in activity log  #2613 

Media: Instance Bins and Eco Bin Folder views now only show files that do not have a folder  #2591 

Content: SEO Tab - Title Bar reflects correct Published State  #2590 

Media: Upload Modal - Title bar becomes plural   #2589 

Schema: Dropdown field now allows spaces and capital letters in dropdown values  #2579 

Content: Confirm Publish Modal - Publish Button focus state is improved  #2573

Activity Log: Scheduled and Published actions appear correctly for content items  #2570 

Prevent verify from invalidating stores  #2564 

Global Navigation: User Menu UI Fixes  #2558

Schema: Boolean field cannot revert to null after selection  #2557

Global: Prevent login screen from briefly flashing on page reload  #2550 

Remove custom dirty state handling  #2548 

Media: Load image urls in media field preview  #2543

Content: SEO Tab - Select Page Parent Dropdown is showing the same route multiple times  #2541

Media: Fit long file names into delete file modal   #2536 

Enter Key now triggers Create Model Button  #2535 

Content: SEO Meta Description Displays that there are excess characters when there are none  #2534 

Content: Edit Content Title Bar Responsive Behavior restored  #2533 

Schema: Added more explicit empty string conversion to account for 0 value  #2531 

Content: Enabled HTML editor line wrapping in WYSIWYG  #2528 

Content: Exclude content items which are in memory and unsaved from one-to-one and one-to-many field options  #2521 

Content: No Fields Have Been Added Screen appears for Content Items that have fields  #2519 

Content: WYSIWYG - User can now use escape key to exit full screen  #2518 

Content: Meta description is now copied when a content item is duplicated  #2514 

Content: Multi Page Content Table - Deleted Content Item is Appearing  #2513 

Content: Fixed page scrolling up to error blurb when entering a value into a field  #2512 

Prevented tinymce from triggering onChange on initial load  #2500

Bumped material version to fix idp error only showing once if error text is the same  #2497 

Media: Handle uppercase image extensions  #2485 

Global: Changed in-app announcement image resolution   #2472 

Content: Creating an Item - Convert empty string values to  null, scroll to error blurb instead of error field  #2461 

By Samriddhi Simlai

Samriddhi is a Seattle-based marketing professional who loves to be curious and find stories in data. Samriddhi enjoys chats about product, growth and coffee. Say hi at sam@zesty.io.

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