This March, the team ironed out issues with Layouts, editing tools, and SEO features. Plus, we added a new warning for when something's not right in DUO Mode, helping you catch mistakes before they become problems. It's all about making your work on easier, faster and stress-free.
Read on for a detailed look at these innovations and how they can benefit your day-to-day activities on the platform.
Content: DUO Mode shows warning message when fields have invalid values #2460
Toggle fields do not allow for null value after being clicked #2547
Content: Duo Mode layout & Edit Content Title Bar responsive behavior fixed #2532
Cannot toggle and save boolean field value to NO #2530
WYSIWYG bug when pasting HTML content #2529
Login screen flashes for a moment when page loads #2527
Content: SEO Tab - Meta Title of more than 160 characters saves unsuccessfully #2502
Content: SEO Meta Description displays that there are excess characters when there are none #2501
Content: Entering a Value into a Field Scrolls Up to the Error Blurb #2493
Content: Edit Content Item Page - Control P / Command P Shortcut to Publish Item does not work #2492
Content: WYSIWYG - Apply 24px line height to Ordered and Unordered Lists for Consistency #2486
Content: Deleted Content Item appears in the Multi Page Content Table #2481
Content: Meta Description does not get copied when Duplicating a Content Item #2475
Switching to HTML in the Markdown field breaks the content app layout #2471
Media: Delete filename overflow #2465
Content: WYSIWYG - Allow user to escape full screen mode by clicking on the escape key 2464