New Features
Headtags: API endpoints to add custom meta tags to individual content items and models in Web Engine. See the API Documentation for Headtags.
Active Preview Pane: A new area to view your working version/draft experiences. To access it, open a content manager, and click the button labeled “preview” next to the instance name dropdown in the header.
Audit Trail API endpoints: Programmatically access your audit log per instance. AuditTrail Logs API documentation here.
Granular Roles: Specific roles now available for enterprise customers that omit specific content from being view and edited for content publishers and contributors. NPM Package: Updated to add Audit Trail endpoints and Header Tags endpoints. See the NPM package here.
User Experience (UX) Additions
WYSIWYG Editor now supports CMD+k with a dialog popup to add a link with option to open it in a new window.
WYSIWYG Editor now supports embeds for instagram, youtube, and twitter via TwitFram.
Item ZUID and Instant Content JSON API link added to content pages in the content manager.
User Experience (UX) Updates & Patches
Many small patches to the manager user interface were completed to improve user experiences. More notable updates and patches are mentioned here.
Global Search now appends correct URL on search when using arrows keys and hitting enter.
Empty results on the content table view that occurs from filters alerts the user and give an option to clear the filter.
Active Preview had a larger call out, located in the top right of the content manager.
System Notifications no longer output NULL when a content name does not exist on save.
Version information is posted in System Notifications on save actions.
Toggle Data Type shows value in the Table View in content manager.
WebEngine Updates
Multiple emails can be used for lead notifications. Before it was limited to 2 emails.
Individual Page Meta Tags are now supported. Tags can be added through the API, see API Documentation for Headtags for more details.

By Randy Apuzzo
Randy has had a penchant for computer programming from an early age and started applying his skills to build business software in 2004. Randy's stack of skills range from programming, system architecture, business know-how, to typographic design; which lends to a truly customer-centric and business effective software design. He leads the team as CEO.