Prepping for Q4 and Beyond
The entire organization coordinates around a mindset of customer feedback. It’s a way to continuously improve the platform experience. For the month of September, ahead of some big company initiatives set for Q1, Engineering and Business began evaluating a range of requests from the enterprise customer base.
Our customers do both unique and amazing things on the platform to varying degrees of complexity, and it is not uncommon that requests generally fall into two main categories: accelerating developer workflows and features that empower marketers.
As we head into the evaluation phase of the feature request initiative, engineers have already implemented a quick win summarized below under Web Engine - flexible multi-lang URL pathing - along with the standard updates that were pushed to production this month.
Check out this quick summary of September’s accomplishments. See The List below for more details. If you’re waiting for a status update on a bug, enhancement, or feature request, all of these are available via our publicly accessible Manager UI GitHub repository and Accounts UI GitHub repository.
September Summary
2 New Features
6 Enhancements
3 Bugs Fixed
The List
Feature: Flexible multi-lang pathing. Developers can now add a language code to any custom endpoint regardless of their url structure. Previously, instances with multi-lang could add the language code to their custom endpoints such as: /es-MZ/my-endpoint.json However, if the custom endpoint was created with a parent path structure then adding the language code will not execute as expected example: /es-MZ/parent/my-endpoint.json.
Fix: When using wildcard redirects, a wildcard redirect with a dynamic path part did not render the correct path part value. This has been resolved to accomplish the expected behavior.
Manager UI
Feature: In the manager UI, one can now easily add a ZUID to the clipboard via the ZUID copy button with enhanced styling added.
Enhancement: Swapped out media copy button for design-system button, cleaned up border radius and styles for Copy button.
Enhancement: Optional chaining added for when a user creates a new item and forgets to select a page's parent, causing it to default to root:
Enhancement: Updated design systems styles and colors on buttons:
Content Home Icon
SEO & Meta > Content Insights
Content Disable Action
Enhancement: Removal of legacy endpoint to latest when using API to unpublish.
Fix: The item create header no longer jumps behind GlobalTopbar on error - resolved.
Check the dev footage here:
Fix: A broken pending modal for unsaved changes has been resolved in the Manager UI.
Accounts UI
Enhancement: A sweeping effort has been made across the Accounts UI to update zesty-io/core design system dependencies.

By Dominic Tarantino
I work with all teams in our enterprise customer base, agency partners and individuals to ensure they are successful on the platform. is an end-to-end solution for those who want powerful omni-channel digital experience built for scale and who want tools that will be relevant throughout the years long enterprise journey.