Node SDK Get Instance Content example
Content items are always accessed relative to their model, so a model ZUID is required for each call. See API documentation.
All examples assume a properly authenticated SDK instance
Get all content items for a model
Get a specific content item by ZUID
Create a content item
This will return the ZUID of the created item in the response.
Save a content item
Get all versions for a specific content item by ZUID
Get a specific version of a content item by version ZUID
Delete a content item by ZUID
Example response:
Note: this response format may change in future.
Item Publishing and Unpublishing
#Publish a version of an item immediately
The expected response looks like this:
Note: this response format may change in future.
Unpublish a published item immediately
The expected response looks like this:
Note: this response format may change in future.
Get all publishing records for a specific content item by ZUID
Get specific publishing record by publishing ZUID for a content item
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