

Use Cases




Empowering Personalization in Marketing with Zesty.io


Today's digital consumers expect content that is tailored to their needs, preferences, and behaviors. Consequently, personalization has emerged as a pivotal marketing strategy. Zesty.io, a state-of-the-art Web Content Management System (WCMS), provides a robust suite of personalization options to meet these evolving needs. By leveraging personalization, businesses can boost conversion rates and foster customer loyalty, driving overall business success. In this product page we delve into some of the personalization capabilities of Zesty.io and illuminate their high level concepts and business value.

Personalization Tagging via Content Relationships


Zesty.io allows marketers to tag any content made in the system with personalization tags, this is done using content model relationship fields. Easy to configure and to use once implemented, any content author, marketer, or developer, can simply tag any content they make to a persona, category, or any generic tag. Tagged content is easily requested through headless API calls or in-template logic to personalize the any experience. This content tagging to power personalization is foundational to the Zesty.io system and can be leveraged at anytime, to new content or existing content. Once content is tagged, any strategy listed below is possible.

Content Fetching by Personalization Tags


Zesty.io's system enables businesses to fetch specific content pieces based on personalization tags as mentioned above. This means your website can dynamically serve content tailored to individual users' needs or preferences. It fosters a deeper connection with your audience, thereby boosting engagement and conversions.

This is the most common way to personalize a page, imagine your user has a preference for financial content, then any content tagged with "financial" will be served from Zesty.io as an available option to load in experiences.

Content Personalization with Cookies


Using cookies, Zesty.io can fetch content that aligns with the user's browsing history and behavior. Cookies can be set when a user browsers specific areas, at time of login, or set by external data. Using cookies enables the provision of highly targeted content that resonates with the user, enhancing user experience, improving retention rates, and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

How it works is a cookie is stored based upon a trigger, a user selection in-app, a user browser an article or a category page, a user selection preferences. The cookie should set a value like "car articles" or "plants", and that value is used to query for content that has tags that match those values. In Zesty.io, a content model is setup with matching values, and content tagged with those values will return.

Content Personalization with UTM Tags


UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) tags are commonly used to track campaign performance and user behavior. UTM tags became common in the early 2000s and stuck as a standard. It's often you see tools like Google Analytics, Ads, and other marketing software rely on UTM tags for reporting. Since this is the case, Zesty.io lets you use the same UTM tags already setup, but for content personalization, serving users with content based on their past interactions with your digital campaigns. This tailored approach can significantly improve your campaign's performance, lead generation, and customer acquisition.

This strategy can be paired with the cookie strategy to create a cascading personalization effect across many web experiences. This is done by intercepting UTM tags and setting associated cookies to match desired personalization values.

Content Personalization with Query Parameters


Zesty.io's functionality extends to personalizing content based on query parameters. This means you can serve dynamic content based on the parameters users gain from clicking query parameter loaded links, searches, or inbound links to your site. This version of personalization can be leveraged without have a user in your system, and also doesn't require cookie acceptance or does it violate GDPR or CCPR without requiring permissions. Like all forms of personalization, this method can enhance user satisfaction, increase page views, and improve conversion rates.

As an example, imagine there is a link in your website which opens the page to "acme.com/news/?category=financial", the template accessed the category value and fetches content that have been tagged wit the "financial" tag, hence rendering a personalization page for the user. This can also be extended to store a cookie with the key value "category=financial" which can be used persistently in the current user session or when the user returns to serve relevant content or targeted CTA (call to action) experiences.

Page Design Control with Personalization Tags


Zesty.io also allows businesses to control the design of a page based on personalization tags. This functionality gives you the power to alter the look and feel of a page depending on user preferences or behaviors, leading to a truly personalized user experience. This could include color changes, image changes, content changes, or fully layout changes. This is often leveraged with localization based personalization that is state, country based, or at random. It can be used along with A/B testing as well. This improved user experience can translate to increased user engagement, brand loyalty, and customer lifetime value.

Synchronizing Personalization Tags from CRMs to CMSs


One of Zesty.io's standout features is the ability to synchronize personalization tags between Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and the CMS. It ensures that your content management efforts are in harmony with customer data insights, leading to more accurate and impactful content personalization. This synchronization can enhance the relevance of your content, improve customer relationships, and boost sales conversion rates.

This is done by synchronizing the personalization tags in an external system like Salesforce with an automated script that polls and consistently updates a personalization content model your Zesty.io instance. The model it updates will retain the data in your CRM and allow for content to be tagged in Zesty.io so it will be fetched when the CRM tag is present in your experiences.

Once this is setup, all user in Zesty.io will have access to tag any content with personalization tags that exist in the businesses external CRM.

Personalization in Zesty.io in Summary


In the era of the customer-centric business model, personalization is no longer optional - it's a necessity. Zesty.io's suite of personalization tools empowers marketers and customer success teams, enabling them to tailor content and experiences to their audience's needs and preferences.

These tools - Personalization Tagging, Content Fetching by Tags and Cookies, UTM Tag Personalization, Query Parameter Personalization, Page Design Control with Personalization Tags, and CRM-CMS Synchronization - work synergistically to create a comprehensive and powerful personalization strategy.

By leveraging Zesty.io's personalization options, businesses can elevate user experience, increase engagement, drive conversions, and ultimately, achieve a stronger bottom line. Personalization with Zesty.io is more than a marketing strategy - it's a pathway to business success in today's competitive digital landscape.

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